Contributors to the MIBA Political Action Committee are recognized for their generosity on the association’s website and at the MIBA Annual Convention and Exhibition. Different levels of contribution have been set to recognize supporters of our Political Action Committee fund and to make the association’s membership more aware of this important facet of our work on behalf of the political agenda of community banks across Missouri.
Note: personal or corporate campaign contributions to any PAC are not deductible in any amount for federal tax purposes.
President’s Fair Share Level
$10 per Million in Deposits up to 250M Cap
Bank of Advance
Bank of Iberia
Bank of Old Monroe
Bank of Salem
BTC Bank, Bethany
Community Bank of Pleasant Hill
Community Bank of Raymore
Exchange Bank of Missouri, Fayette
Exchange Bank of Northeast Missouri, Kahoka
farmbank, Green City
Farmers & Merchants Bank, St. Clair
Jonesburg State Bank
Metz Banking Company, Nevada
Midwest Independent BankersBank
Midwest Regional Bank, Clayton
New Frontier Bank, St. Charles
Northeast Missouri State Bank, Kirksville
Peoples Bank & Trust Co., Troy
Peoples Bank of Altenburg
Peoples Bank of Wyaconda, Kahoka
Peoples Savings Bank, Hermann
Preferred Bank, Rothville
Regional Missouri Bank, Marceline
The Missouri Bank, Warrenton
Tipton Latham Bank, N.A.
Platinum Level
$750 and up
Bank 21, Blue Springs
Mid America Bank, Wardsville
Verimore Bank, Brookfield
Gold Level
Community Point Bank, Russellville
Legends Bank, Linn
Silver Level
1st Advantage Bank, St. Peters
Chillicothe State Bank
Farmers State Bank, Cameron
Silex Banking Company
John All, Tipton
Carl Blochberger, Tipton
Sue Ann Loesch, Jefferson City
H.E. Blankenship, California
Schatzer Farm, LLC, Latham
Lori Woratzeck, California
Calen Bestgen, Tipton
David Johansen, Syracuse
Karen Messerli, California
Lisa Becker, Tipton