Pub. 3 2023 Issue 3

A View From the Capitol

If you’re a regular reader of this column, you’ve heard me talk about reforming the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) a time or two. But now that Republicans have the House majority and the United States Supreme Court is going to decide whether its funding mechanism is constitutional, we’re in a position to actually make some changes. And I’ve got several bills in the works to bring reform to arguably the most unaccountable agency in Washington.

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If there’s one universal truth about small businesses, it’s this: No two are the same. Whether it’s an agricultural entity, a business consultancy, a retail establishment or a host of other options, you’d be hard-pressed to find a replicated set of financial needs. Fortunately, community banks operate in the same fashion. Though you share common values in relationship-first banking, your models are based on the needs of the communities you support.

Flourish Read More »

President’s Message: Community Banks Are Essential

Community banks at their core are financial institutions that serve the local population in a specific region or area. We not only provide generic financial services, such as savings accounts, loans, mortgages, and investment products, but can tailor to the customer’s unique needs. We differ from larger national or multinational banks because we tend to be smaller and more focused on the local market.

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