Pub. 4 2024 Issue 2

Meet Your Missouri Banker: Quentin McConkey

Security & Loan Officer, BTC Bank

Where are your main bank and branches located? What is the market like?

Our main bank is located in Bethany, but we have 23 locations across Missouri and Iowa. Our primary market is agriculture, but we are diverse and lend in ag, business, residential and commercial alike.

What is something unique about your bank?

While other banks are closing, we are acquiring more banks. Per the ICBA, we are ranked as the top ag bank in Missouri with over $1 billion in assets. We serve communities from 300 to 127,000 in the population. We have five branches on Highway 65 from Trenton to Buffalo.

How did you get started in the banking business?

I actually have a very non-traditional path to getting into the banking world. I was a Missouri State Trooper for almost six years before I came to BTC in 2019. One day, one of our board members, who is a local CPA, reached out to me and wanted to meet. I thought he was going to tell me about someone who was driving carelessly in the area. When I got to his office, he asked me if I had ever thought of a career change. At the time, I was engaged to my now wife, and I was looking for something with different hours and an easier lifestyle. He said he was currently serving on the bank board, and they were looking for someone local in the bank to be a familiar face to our customers. I told him I didn’t know the first thing about banking. He said, “They taught you how to be a highway patrolman; we’ll teach you how to be a banker.” When they offered me the job, our CEO, Doug Fish, asked if I would be willing to do the security for the bank as well as my loan officer duties, and I agreed. Nearly five years later, it was the best professional choice I have ever made.

What is the most important thing you have learned from this career so far?

When people are working with me, whether that’s on the security or loan side of things, the interaction we have is probably the most important thing they do during that day. It’s important to treat everyone with the same professionalism, regardless if it’s a teenager looking for their first loan to buy a car or a commercial property owner buying apartment complexes. The interaction they have with me not only represents me personally but the entire organization. And on the security side of things, when someone loses their money, they are distraught. It is my job to do my best to assist them in any way, from filling out reports to helping them prevent that from happening again.

What prompted you to want to begin a career in banking?

Growing up, my best friend’s dad was a loan officer here in Albany at BTC Bank. He never missed one of her events growing up and was always there for her. That really made the decision easy when it came to changing careers.

What is the most interesting thing you have learned from this transition to the banking industry?

Growing up and still living on a century farm outside of Albany, I have always been around agriculture. Since I have been with BTC, I have learned so much about the financial aspects of operating a farm. That is something that not only helps me professionally as a loan officer but personally, assuring the family farm is in good condition when I pass it down to the next generation.

Tell us about the bank’s community investment efforts.

We offer so many different things, from our employees being involved in outside organizations to a non-profit internal organization, the Area Youth Benefit Corporation. Last year, with our mascot debit card donations, we gave out over $72,000 to schools in our region. Our tagline is “Community Minded,” and I believe we show that more by our actions than just our slogan.

What is the bank’s biggest challenge in the area of internet banking/mobile banking?

FRAUD. It is something every bank is facing today. I don’t believe there is an end in sight with it. If you look at the bank robbery statistics the FBI releases annually, bank robberies are on a steep decline. I attribute that to the increase in fraud. With older customers having to adapt to online banking, that puts them at risk. We do “Elderly Fraud” presentations and try to educate all, not just BTC Bank customers on the dangers of it.

What’s your favorite thing about your bank or banking in general?

BTC Bank is truly a “family first” company. If there is an issue with a family member, they do not hesitate to let you tend to that. That aligns with my priorities and many of our employees.

If you didn’t have a career in banking, what other career would you choose?

I would like to give an unrealistic answer here, like “hockey player, football player, etc.,” but God did not bless me with those talents so I would say sports broadcaster. I love all kinds of sports and always have. Particularly Iowa State, St. Louis Blues and Cardinals. Being able to be paid to go to the events and talk about them would be a dream.

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