Pub. 3 2023 Issue 3

MIBA Lobbying Report

The 1st Regular Session of the 102nd Missouri General Assembly ended May 12 at 6 pm. As with past years, there was controversy in the Missouri Senate during the last week.

This year’s blow-up came when House and Senate leadership pitted the passage of a controversial sports betting amendment against the passage of a bill that would have reduced personal property tax. The sports betting amendment was added to SB 92, a bill dealing with rural economic development investment and job creation, a blatant violation of Missouri’s constitutional provisions on bills containing a single subject and not being amended as to change their original purpose. So, rather than pass an unconstitutional law, SB 92 sponsor Senate Denny Hoskins decided to lay the bill over. Senate and House leadership responded by letting the personal property tax reduction legislation die, and the session ended.

However, even with these shenanigans, MIBA did manage to assist in the passage of several bills. The following were Truly Agreed to And Finally Passed and await Governor Parson’s Approval:

  • SB 13, Senator Sandy Crawford’s bill that clarifies the responsibilities of the Division of Finance;
  • SB 63, Senator Steven Roberts bill that allows financial institutions to gain access to marijuana licensees applications for banking purposes;
  • SB 101, Senator Sandy Crawford’s bill relating to lender-placed insurance; and
  • SB 186, Senator Justin Brown’s bill that elevates the crime of stealing or damaging an automatic teller machine and gives financial institutions access to licensed marijuana sellers for banking purposes.

As always, it is a pleasure working with MIBA to represent the interest of Missouri’s community banks with the members of the Missouri General Assembly.