Pub. 3 2023 Issue 2

President’s Message: Be Proud to Be a Community Banker

Main Street vs. Wall Street is a typical conversation with small business owners. They see that every new legislation or initiative in the press seems to be set up for large companies while neglecting the small business owners’ needs. At the same time, these small business owners often turn to large banks to provide them with their financial services. They see the flashy ads, the high-priced locations, and the fancy branches. It all seems so good until it isn’t.

Unfortunately, many of them learned that the large banks turn their backs on them when times get hard, or they have a non-cookie-cutter need. They all needed a community bank that would understand their needs and focus on them. Community banks aren’t in business to raise capital from significant investment funds or pacify market expectations; instead, they are there to be a part of their community.

As you well know, the joy of being a community banker is connecting with everyone around you. You live, eat, and work together. Community banks are an integral piece of the fabric that makes Main Street in any given community. We are members of the Rotary, City Council members, and volunteers, and we feel the struggles and nuances of our communities.

As an industry, we provide access to vital funds and critical resources to business owners. In our communities, we provide guidance and training on everything from best practices in managing financial statements to dealing with regulatory issues. We are a fountain of knowledge the community needs and actively seeks. Community bankers are constantly giving back, and financial education is one of the most important things we provide.

While Wall Street offers flashy advertising and slick slogans, the real meat and potatoes of what small business owners need come from Main Street banks. We will be there through it all. We are not pulling out of the market when it is no longer the most lucrative place to be, as execs in a New York high-rise are prone to do. We are in it for the long haul. Be proud to be part of something so vital to our communities. Be proud to be a community banker.