October 6, 2023

A Background On 2023-2024 MIBA President Mark Laune

Mark Laune, President and CEO of People Saving Bank, recently started a year-long term as the 2023‑2024 MIBA President. In his own words, he has “big shoes” to fill as he follows in the footsteps of those who have held this position before him. He is ready to jump in and fight the good fight to ensure that the future of community banking is secure.

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Legal Eagle Spotlight: AI in Lending Decisioning and Unintended Discrimination

With the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology, businesses around the world are considering how they can use AI to improve efficiency and advance business goals. Financial institutions are no exception. While AI can bring many efficiencies and advancements to the way business is conducted, in the highly regulated financial services industry, there are many considerations that need to be addressed by financial institutions seeking to use AI.

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Surviving Versus Thriving in Today’s Market

Community bankers have long been community changers. Through their service to small businesses and local economies, their impact on the lives of their customers and neighbors is undoubtedly far-reaching. Nevertheless, the community of community bankers and changers is, in and of itself, changing rapidly — enough for some to declare it under attack. Why is that?

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A View From the Capitol: CFPB Loses in Court Again

The court losses for the CFPB are stacking up. The latest came on September 8, when a federal judge in Texas issued a final judgment against the CFPB for unlawfully expanding its authority when updating the UDAAP manual. In the manual, the Bureau attempted to redefine “unfair,” allowing itself to use the term liberally and take punitive action against supposed perpetrators.

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